Rosan Select offers investors the opportunity to tap into our research and access our preferred funds from the multitude of options available to UK based investors. If, having reviewed information on Rosan Select you would like to invest, you can email us directly and we will facilitate transactions for investors on our preferred terms. Investors can buy our preferred funds either inside or outside the ISA wrapper.

In the U.K. there are literally thousands of funds that investors can purchase, and attempting to navigate appropriate funds for a novice, or indeed a relatively experienced investor, is intuitively difficult. Rosan Select offers investors an opportunity to tap into our analysis and preferred funds. We conduct extensive research to reduce our preferred funds down to about 160 currently.

There are three managed portfolios and a range of funds divided by geographical, industry and economic sectors. We also provide access to passive investment (index tracking) for investors who wish to access a benchmark. Passive funds have widely divergent fee structures depending on the complexity of replicating their relevant benchmarks.


Funds that invest in U.K. and global equities, and a U.K. cautious managed portfolio.

Geographical Regions

Funds that invest in specific geographical regions around the world.

Industry Sectors

Funds that invest in specific industrial and economic sectors around the world.


Funds that track a specific sector or index benchmark.

In creating Rosan Select we conduct extensive quantitative and qualitative research and to that we add our significant value-add, which is the benefit of our deep and very longstanding relationships with the major asset management groups in the U.K. This gives us personal access to a number of the country’s leading fund managers.

When you start to understand individual fund managers and what makes them tick, you have a very valuable additional insight into investment process, style and manager conviction, all of which are important attributes to understand as part of the fund analysis process.

Our preferred funds in each sector are blended to ensure there is a contrasting style basis, between the different component funds. For example, our global managed portfolio includes funds specialising in value, growth, small cap, technology and equity income style biases. This means investors can choose a particular style or indeed buy a portfolio in its entirety. Investors interested in purchasing any of the funds on Rosan Select should contact their usual advisory or admin support contact. Alternatively, you can email us here and we will schedule a call / Zoom or Teams meeting to review options.

When we buy funds for our clients, we access them through one of the UK’s leading platforms and we have negotiated significantly discounted terms for clients of Rosan Helmsley.

Please contact us if you are uncertain as to whether a fund is appropriate to your personal circumstances.

The majority of funds on Rosan Select invest in equities and shares in the world’s financial markets. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount they originally invested.