School Fees Costs

The Independent Schools Council (ISC) conducts an annual survey which provides accurate information on the level of school fees charged throughout the independent sector.

Private school fee education is a very significant commitment for any parent to make, particularly if you have more than one child, where the costs are likely to make mortgage commitments and property purchase a rather secondary financial commitment. Each year the independent schools council (ISC) publishes its annual survey and a copy of the current years’ census is available to download here

Overall fee increases this year (2024) represent a 8.6% increase on 2023 levels with Day school fees rising by 8% and Boarding school fees by 9.0%.

The document available to download here provides extremely useful and comprehensive information regarding private education and if this is an area that you are considering, then we would urge you to contact us to discuss the appropriate planning.

Early planning can significantly reduce the impact and the use of tax efficient investment products can significantly boost the returns available if planning is conducted from birth for example.

ISC Census
School Fees Costs