Rosan Helmsley clients have online access to their portfolios. Unit prices are updated daily.
Welcome to Rosan Reporting.
This service allows clients to download detailed reports in PDF format. Reports can be tailored to individual categories, such as ISA, Pension, OEIC, EIS or VCT, for example, as well as downloading a complete summary of the total portfolio.
The documents include detailed profit and loss statements at the individual holding level as well as projections of retirement benefits in actual and inflation adjusted terms. The system can also display Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR’s) at the portfolio and individual holding level.
Clients are able to download and store valuations as often as they like in their personalised library within Rosan Reporting, making it easy to access historic portfolio information.
Client valuation schedules are delivered in an automated format per individual client service agreement, depending on whether clients are ‘Financial Planning’ or ‘Wealth Management’ clients. ‘Financial Planning’ clients receive annual schedules and ‘Wealth Management’ clients receive quarterly valuations. Wealth Management clients are those with at least £1million invested with Rosan Helmsley.
We will continue to invest heavily in improving our technology and delivering class leading reporting and communication to all our clients.